Who We Are
As an avid fisherman for over 50 years I designed these two rod holders, which I have been using for years.The ultra sensitive self jigging "HOOP" design and the "COIL" design. One of the greatest joys is to fish with children and introduce them to the sport. The "Coil" design caters to (some times distracted) children. The "HOOP" design shows that subtle bite that a cork or tip up can't always provide.
The Holders On Ice came about after thousands of hours on the ice and more than one lost rod and reel. The ability to free up my hands by setting my rig in the holder with quick draw access was paramount. I needed something that would allow me to jig without holding my pole and show me when I had a fish on. That lead to developing the patent pending Tip Down Rod Holders. The ultra sensitive /equipment saving /auto jigging /strike indicating rod holders, will change your game when ice fishing.
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